Tuesday, October 12, 2010


A challenge of combining different classes of the same grade is that sometimes the teachers choose to insert or skip reading stories during the year.  When this occurs, you have two groups with different spelling words and related stories.  Worst case scenario, one class is reading a novel - this requires the entire week's sessions to be devoted to the reading and answering assigned questions. 

This week, two of the 4th grade classes have chosen to skipthe shorter "Time Life" story (which they will usually use during a shortened week - like next week's 3 day Fall Break week); whereas, one class is not.  This throws the routine off for this week and next until the classes reunite 2 stories from now. 

Fortunately, we have begun one of the lower classes on the Reading Academy computer-based learning software program and this will allow them to work on that while the other students continue the usual routine.  This class also is scheduled for more time that can be used specifically for spelling and reading. 

It is a unique situation, but we are making the most of it.  I am really excited to see the results of the program first hand.

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